The proposed Southwood Fibre port at Dover, in southern Tasmania. Source: Southwood Fibre
New woodchip plan for southern Tasmania
A woodchipping project has been proposed for southern Tasmania, to be located at Southwood on the Huon River, with a port at Dover.
The plan has caused quite a stir. A huge increase in the number of log trucks using roads is one of the concerns, along with visual degradation of the Huon around Dover because of the port site.
Forestry developments tend to create conflict because they represent jobs and money versus a potential decline in habitat and lifestyle.
Separately, global growth in the CO2 greenhouse gas shows clearly that the planet needs incentives to grow trees, not cut them down.
Extra traffic could adversely affect the Huon lifestyle and its growing tourism industry, as well as make the roads less safe, as fatal accidents between log trucks and cars have happened on the island.
Much of Tasmania, especially in the south, is hilly and therefore has winding roads. And not all log trucks will use the proposed project road.
Tourism and real estate prices seem to be growing in the Huon region, thanks in part to the area’s largely unspoiled nature.
Read more about the Southwood Fibre project and assess its merits for yourself. Here is their website … http://www.southwoodfibre.net
And here you can read local concerns about the project from a community group HERE.