Monthly archives: July 2018

A Tasmanian family has kicked off a possible world first, a farmstay designed to boost the immune system. “First thing we noticed as newbie farmers here in southern Taz was how poo starts piling up once you have a few animals,” said Immunity Farm director Ivan Ulsa. “Horse poo, sheep […]

Immunity Farm

The Dover woodchip plan has been canned, ironically because the salmon farming industry didn’t like it … The little thing called “the public” didn’t want it either, as southern Tasmania has been forging ahead in leaps and bounds without it, and an extra log truck every five minutes (as […]

Dover woodchip plan canned

There’s been a lot of fluff about Hobart’s booming real estate. Residential real estate might be hot, but clearly, not everything is booming. I took a drive through Hobart last week and was surprised by how many “For Lease” signs adorned empty commercial premises and shops. These began just two […]

Tasmania, For Lease

Ouch ... our eye watering zucchini
OK, maybe not. But it does provoke a reaction. If only watering eyes. Not sure if vegetable torture porn is even legal in Tasmania, so don’t tell anyone.

An exhibit for MONA?